Our Town’s Best Burger 2015


Even though the Best of Our Town 2016 awards won’t get going until next year – I’m going to officially crown a 2015 winner right now in the Best Burger category.  Let’s start things off right and have an incumbent. This category could and should move around town like the heavyweight title, but for now – there’s a champ.


As a guy who likes a good, prefers a great burger – one key differentiator that sets a place apart is their willingness to “throw a fried egg on it”.  If I’ve lost you already – good luck.  Some notables out of the area – Southern California’s Fatburger, Colorado’s Smashburger and Modern Burger’s Breakfast Burger at the Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix (Terminal A).  Based on experience, this demonstrates range and palate.  Greasy, juicy, no holds barred.  


The Winner for Our Town’s Burger of the Year is DJ’s Adventures in Deliciousness located on 3025 N Government Way in a bright yellow truck for the Chorizo & Egg Delight Burger.  


This burger is no joke.  The chorizo seasoning on the juicy angus patty will make you want to question why you’ve managed to tolerate so many sub-par burgers in your life.  I spent 10 minutes this morning just talking about how good it is.  DJ will provide you with a fork – not to eat the burger – but to be able to address any leftover fall-out items from the eating adventure.  


Quick rule of thumb – you know an amazing burger when (A) you want to write about it (B) you want to tell your friends about it and (C) when you stare at it in your hand as you hold it between bites.  C is a key indicator of taste – when you’re looking at it because you want to know why this burger tastes so much better than anything else you’ve had.  Mentally scanning for some visual cue located on the edge of the bite.


The flavor descriptions will not do it justice in word form – so I’ll leave it at this.  Try it.  You will likely join the rest of the believers.  


So – it’s official.  Go check this winner out.  Let DJ Megow know Our Town sent you.  He’ll have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.  


Any comments or contenders?  Please let me know.  I’m listening.